Louisiana principals email list is a mailing database concerning each K-12 administrator in the state of Louisiana. This email list is different because it includes full info about every LA elementary, middle or high school principal. We give you personal email address of all principals, not the general school email addresses.
Also, we list other personal data including fax, zip code, city, address, type and name of schools where principals work.
Updated Every Month | Delivered in Excel format | |
Unlimited usage | Easy to import in any CRM platform | |
Download Instantly | Easy to import in any sending platform |
Principals Listed : | 1,105 |
Updated on : | 08/28/2024 |
Delivery Format : | Excel |
Price $145.00 |
All given information in the principals email list is up to date. Our mailing database can be your opportunity of starting an email marketing campaign. Furthermore, you can get a discount by buying more than one principals email list.
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(866) 825-8306